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What Is Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) immerses the user in a virtual world, with
simulated sight, sound, and even touch. The technology allows
a player to see, hear, and interact with virtual elements in a virtual
What Is Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) is an offshoot of Virtual Reality (VR) that
"augments" the real world with virtual entities. The technology allows
a live player to see, hear, and interact with virtual elements as if they
were part of the real world.
What Is Seamless Simulation
Seamless Simulation is a form of simulation and training that
"seamlessly" blends live and virtual players into the same
exercise. The technology allows all players
live and virtual
to interact with one another.
What Is Augmented Simulation
AUGmented SIMulation (AUGSIM) is a concept developed by Peculiar
Technologies that combines Augmented Reality and Seamless Simulation
to augment live exercises with computer simulation, and to augment
simulator exercises with a live element. We have developed
both wearable and vehicular AUGSIM configurations.
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