Jon Barrilleaux

3800 Lake Shore Ave.

Oakland, CA  94610

Phone: (510) 444-4370, Fax: (510) 444-0231

Email:, Web:


Extensive experience in commercial and government software development, project management, and R&D.  Areas of expertise include systems development using UML and OO techniques, 3D graphics and user interfaces, virtual and augmented reality, simulation and training, game system infrastructure, and e-commerce and web applications.


·      Platforms: PC (Windows, Java, Linux, DOS), Mac (Java), SGI (Unix, Java), Sun (Unix).

·      Languages: Java, C++, C, VRML, Javascript, SQL, Perl, Cold Fusion, VB, FORTRAN, PL/1, APL, assembly.

·      APIs: Java 3D, OpenGL; VRML EAI, HTTP, XML, J2EE, EJB, Windows, MFC, X, Sunview; IRIS GL, DOS.

·      Servers: SQLServer, Oracle, IIS, Cold Fusion.


Rice University, Houston, TX

BS Electrical Engineering, 1978

MS Electrical Engineering, 1979


7/93-Present            JMB & Associates Inc., Oakland, CA            Principal

Quantum4D, Inc., Java Application Architect

Senior systems architect working with management and senior staff to development a new codebase for the company product, which supports import and visualization of abstract multi-dimensional business data.  For existing product, helped code, test, and debug existing product, with emphasis on stability and user interface, for customer beta release.  For new product, am in the process of developing business and system use cases.

TechniCon, Inc., Java Web Application

Project lead and systems architect during the discovery and functional design phases of a project to port and extend an existing web-based catalog and configuration application to a Java Enterprise platform.  Involved interviews with company technical and marketing staff to gather requirements and priorities, and to develop domain models and use cases.

Department of Defense, 2D/3D Data Visualization

Principal Investigator for a multi-year multi-person contract to provide 2D and 3D data visualization for a networked software analysis tool. Worked with the customer to develop system requirements, use cases, and software architecture for their system and the visualization subsystem. Included integration and customization with the Gumbo open source framework.

Gumbo, Open Source Project

Principal architect and devloper for the Gumbo open source project, which provides an evolving framework for distributed data visualization and user interfaces for rich client applications.  Also includes low-level support and paradigms for data storage, management, and route-based data event handling.

Zona, Inc, Network Game Software.

Architect for a massively multi-player online game (MMOG) engine product (see  Formulated system requirements and use cases, and developed a product API, with detailed documentation, for game developers to specify game entity state and to efficiently distribute it.  Concepts addressed in the API included master and ghost entity grouping and state change notification, aura-nimbus area of interest filtering, and state estimation using prediction and temporal contouring.

Nanologic, Inc., 3D Web Application

Project lead and senior developer for a web-based commercial application to deliver interactive product simulations (see  Managed a team of developers through system design, using use cases, and implementation, using C, Win32, Java, Java servlets, and SQL.  Implemented the client side of the system, which involved HTTP and HTML parsing and filtering, and HTTP messaging to the system server for push and pull of 3D data.

Manning Publications, 3D User Interface Book

Author of a book titled “3D User Interfaces with Java 3D” (see  Involved in-depth research of 3D user interface concepts and techniques in an e-commerce context, and development of an extensive toolkit framework in Java 3D complete with javadoc documentation.

TechniCon, Inc., 3D E-Commerce Applications

Lead architect for several deployed e-commerce web-application (see supporting 3D product visualization and configuration.  Entailed development of database schemas, system design specifications, use case and UML development, and approaches for user interaction, dynamic page customization, and navigation.  Met with customers to gather requirements, and performed project planning and new technology prototyping.

Army SBIR, Augmented Reality Contract

As principal investigator for a government contract, developed the architecture for, and a prototype of, a system to train infantry and tank crews using augmented reality technology.  Developed real-time 3D graphics software using OpenGL and C++ that involved custom interfaces to real-time precision spatial trackers, and integration of live video and graphics in a helmet mounted display (see

SBIR Proposals

Authored and won several Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) proposals.  Topics included full-image full-text digital libraries, 3D ultrasound medical imaging, augmented reality training systems for live vehicles and infantry, and augmented reality command and control systems.

CGSD, Game Software

Developed distributed 3D graphics collision detection software for a commercial VR game.  Involved OO design, C++ implentation, and extensive use of OpenGL for algorithm visualization and verification (see

UDLP, Digital Map System

Headed an effort to develop the architecture and software prototype for the Bradley A3 digital color map system.  Involved generation of a formal report on the state of the art in digital map display systems, development of formal system and user interface specifications, and evaluation of sub-contractor bids.  Performed OO design and implementation of a system prototype in C++ and X windows.

WinX, Windows User Interface Shareware

Developed a shareware product extending the Microsoft Windows user interface with workstation-like windowing features.  Implemented with Visual C++ and MFC.  Involved DLLs and in-depth knowledge of Windows internals.

6/96-7/98            TechniCon, Emeryville, CA            Chief Technical Manager

Technical manager for all new business development projects.  The company specializes in developing product configuration and electronic catalog applications for sales automation and e-commerce, with emphasis on configuration and 3D graphics for the web.  Duties included requirements definition, project planning and proposal, OO systems analysis and design, project lead, and hands-on prototyping using Java, VRML, HTML, Javascript, and ColdFusion.

8/91-7/93            Loral, WDL, San Jose, CA            Consultant

Technical manager and systems architect for a series of live demonstrations that combined real and simulated combat vehicles in augmented reality war games.  Researched, planned, scheduled, and participated in all aspects of laboratory testing, systems integration, and on-site deployment.  Provided operational concept analysis and architecture development for several networked simulation projects and proposals, including structured systems design, and analysis of user interfaces, network loading, and networked database requirements.

3/90-8/91            Rebus Technology, San Jose, CA; Bangalore, India            Vice President

Co-founder and principal investigator for a startup company developing a consumer PC software product for full-text full-image document capture, retrieval, and display.  Headed market research, product and architecture definition, and development team hiring.  Performed extensive research and C software development in the areas of color image processing, fuzzy (free-form) text search, and graphical user interfaces for document display and manipulation.

9/87-3/90            Lockheed Missiles and Space, Palo Alto, CA             Research Scientist

Principal investigator for R&D projects in image understanding and ray-traced infrared sensor simulation.  Performed research in hierarchical image recognition, neural networks, and cluster-based data classification.  Developed multi-dimensional image and data visualization software with a GUI in C and Sunview, and implemented a 3D rendering package in C incorporating ray-tracing, fractals, and texture mapping.  An original member of the ANSI X3H3.8 imaging standards committee.

9/84-8/87            Kaiser Electronics, San Jose, CA             Principal Engineer

Principal investigator for an advanced projects effort to develop a real-time digital moving map system for airborne applications. Developed the systems architecture, and prototyped its image processing, data compression, and terrain data visualization algorithms in C and SGI GL.  Also performed studies for efficient perspective view generation and vector quantization compression, aerodynamically correct flight simulation, and sensor fusion for an automatic landing system.

9/82-8/84            Grinnell Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA            Project Leader

Performed analysis and design of a commercial image processing software package.  Headed an engineering rescue effort to save a behind schedule image processing system, which involved systems analysis, documentation, re-engineering of old hardware, and development of new software including device drivers and a software interface library.  Researched fractal and perspective generation algorithms in C.

7/79-9/82            Ford Aerospace, Palo Alto, CA            Systems Engineer

Principal investigator for several R&D projects to develop real-time interactive image processing and exploitation technology for strategic and defense applications.  Performed algorithm research and development, user interface prototyping, and systems simulation in Fortran.  Lead systems engineer and software developer for a real-time image processing hardware project.


"3D User Interfaces with Java 3D", Manning Publications, August 2000.

“Experiences and Observations in Applying Augmented Reality to Live Training”, VWSIM, San Francisco 1999 (accepted but not presented).

"A Biologically Motivated Algorithm for Image Interpretation Based on Multi-pass Multi-Resolution Techniques", IJCNN, San Diego 1990.

"Multi-Pass Multi-Resolution Image Interpretation", SPIE, Los Angeles 1989.

"A Tactical Infrared Scene Generator", SPIE, Orlando 1989.

"Efficient Vector Quantization for Color Image Encoding", ICASSP, Dallas 1987.

Continuing Education

College credit courses in Engineering Management, Artificial Intelligence, private pilot ground school, and Physical Geology.  Seminars in Java and VRML, user interfaces, Yourdan real-time structured analysis and design, technical proposal writing, sensor data fusion, knowledge-based engineering, presentation skills, and quality improvement. Attendance at the VRML, SIGGRAPH, AUSA, I/ITSEC, NAECON, NCGA, ICASSP, IJCNN, and SPIE conferences.